Total Medals Earned: 13 (From 5 different games.) Total Medal Score: 270 Points
Medals Earned: 5/13 (35/445 points)
Clear Wave 1
Clear Wave 2
Clear Wave 3
Clear Wave 4
Clear Wave 5
Clear Wave 6
Clear Wave 7
Clear Wave 8
Clear Wave 9
Clear Wave 10
Clear Wave 11
Clear Wave 12
Clear Wave 13
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/375 points)
Heeeeeeeeeeeere's you!
Call in some friends for some massive mayhem.
You've got a pretty good basketball shot!
That's a pretty good kick!
Splat! She's flat for real now.
You have mastered the Tao of Darnell.
Like a Samurai Warrior!
Sometimes a change of scenery is nice.
That there crowbar's fixed her up good!
Give the Shotgun a go!
You have crossed the moral event horizon.
You have mastered all the tools of your trade.
The rarest pokemon in Gensokyo.
Kill her 50 times.
Do it like Shotgun Man
Insane! That's over a 100 kills!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/16 (50/565 points)
Press F
Press C
Finish the game with all tasks completed
Complete the game
Eliminate all the Cum Men
Get shit on by a bird
Tread in shit
Glass someone
Destroy all the CCTV cameras
Ride the bus
Blow up baby Jesus
Play the game during December.
Send Mazza to bi' wi' ahh Di, Jade Goody and the angles
Collect all the dog treats
Knock a bird shit out of the sky with a glass.
Knock two bird shits out of the sky.
Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/325 points)
Now everyone knows you like uncensored NG humor.
To get paid? Nah man. To get ice cream.
Save the Day with a full Mayhem Bonus.
Never mind, I wanna go browse Newgrounds dot com instead.
The uh, safety was off there.
2 Left Thumbs would be proud.
Make a big explosion!
Complete the Pacifist Route.
If you do see Peter the Ant by chance, smoosh 'em.
Run out of ammo and die.
You beat the game with TOUCH CONTROLS. I'm AFRAID of you. Just kidding.
Medals Earned: 4/7 (175/260 points)
Well aren't you a fucking hero?!